Realistic Areola training

Realistic Areola training

A new and significantly developing area of make-up tattooing is the so-called „medical – medic tattooing”. We are pleased to be able to offer you a growing experience in this field thanks to our special developments. I have already held several training courses internationally, and the Areola training course, which will be launched shortly in response to requests, will now enable our colleagues to become familiar with the Realistic Areola correction methods in Hungary.

In Hungary, a little-known procedure that can improve the quality of life for many people is medical tattooing. In the case of abnormalities following plastic surgery, skin injuries, burns, nipple and areola, after reconstructive plastic surgery following breast removal, the complete or partial preparation of the nipple and/or areola with pigment deficiency, with the same shape and colour as the original. All this even for men!

The areola training is a one-day masterclass covering the following main topics in each category:

  • Origin and types of variations
  • Recognising and identifying problems
  • Proper planning of treatments
  • Advanced colour theory
  • Knowledge of skin and areola pigments
  • Female and male areola differences
  • Appropriate needle use to achieve different effects
  • Camouflage „camouflage” techniques, (preparation, needle selection, colour change, blending, sketching, shaping, filling, etc.).
  • Practice on latex,
  • Demo presentation work

Almost any area can be treated with a solution that lasts for years, including full or partial correction of the areola. During the treatment, special medical pigments are mixed with the same colour of the skin and area and injected under the dermis to provide a solution for years, but of course they will „fade” over time, so a refresher treatment every 1-2 years is recommended.

I use special Natural pigments in this training, which participants can try out, and pigments can be ordered at a discount during the training.

The student will use their own tattoo machine during the course.

The Areola Masterclass is only open to experienced make-up tattoo artists.

The course fee is 1200 Euro + VAT per day. The fee includes the GM Academy Diploma, gift pack and meals during the day.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or give us a call!