There are many men and women who have cosmetic problems, which may be dermatological or genetic. Examples include prolonged alopecia (hair loss) or genetic baldness.
Now, for both men and women, there is finally an alternative treatment, hair tattooing. SMP is an acronym for Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a medical-grade, non-surgical treatment for men and women,
a tattoo with the appearance of hair follicles is created on the area of skin. The end result gives a completely natural effect, like a freshly shaved head.
Not only can hair follicles be imitated, this treatment also provides a solution for people suffering from alopecia, the hair density can be easily increased.
Women are equally affected by baldness, even if only in patches, fortunately this can also be treated.
Scalp micro pigmentation is an effective treatment for all ages, for all guests suffering from baldness. There is no scarring, it is a non-surgical procedure. Lasting and guaranteed results are achieved in a short time!
What is scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP), or hair tattoo, scalp tattoo treatment:
- It provides a continuous effect that reduces the colour contrast between hair and scalp.
- For men or women who have thinning hair, scalp tattooing can be achieved by adding the appropriate density.
- It can also be used in conjunction with hair transplantation to increase scalp coverage or to cover transplant scarring.
- It can be used to cover scars on the scalp of men and women at any stage of balding or thinning hair.
- A permanent treatment that can last for years, with aftercare only needed to keep the pigment fresh.
- It can increase self-esteem and self-confidence.
- It is suitable for all ages, men and women, for any skin type, skin tone, regardless of the degree of baldness, or to eliminate the disturbing effect of thinning hair.